Our Team

Nathan Bryce, Director

My name is Nathan and I am a therapist working in private practice and a trainer. My journey towards becoming a therapist began in youth work as a professional mentor, remedial academic tutor and group facilitator working with young people. From there, my passion for being with others as they navigate challenging and distressing situations and feeligns grew.

I am a registered member of BACP and a CTA(P) Contractual Trainee, working towards an MSc in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy. My predominant clinical interests include developmental trauma, attachment, and personality. I am a lover of all things theory related and I enjoy working with others to bridge the gap between theory and pract and I’m enthusiastic about bridging the gap between theory and practice, facilitating counselling courses and CPD training from Levels 2-5 at various training establishments in Hampshire.

Lisa Mathurin, Director

Lisa is a psychotherapist, supervisor, and trainer, she is experienced in working with trauma and is passionate about encouraging trauma-informed practice. With over 15 years of experience in the field, her commitment to professional development and education has led her to deliver qualifications ranging from Levels 2 to 7, shaping the next generation of practitioners. Additionally, she has curated an array of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses, ensuring practitioners stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field.

As a Certified Transactional Analyst with a Masters in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy, she embodies theoretical understanding and clinical proficiency. Her clinical private practice and supervisory role offer support and guidance, whilst her collaborations with counselling agencies and charities have extended her reach to the most vulnerable sections of society.

At the core of Lisa's philosophy lies a profound belief in the transformative power of therapeutic relationships and group dynamics. Whether working with clients or students, she endeavours to cultivate environments built on the pillars of respect, trust, and confidentiality. These principles form the bedrock of her practice, guiding her interactions and fostering growth and healing in all those she encounters.